[جديد] Nameless KK 4.4.4 ROM For Nokia X/XL روم Nameless كيت كات لنوكيا اكس واكس ال


[ROM][NOKIA X/XL][PORT][UNOFFICIAL] Nameless KK ROM 13-03-2016

What is Nameless ROM?
Simple - NamelessROM is opportunity.
An opportunity to have a voice to the development team of the after-market firmware that you run on your device.

The main goal of NamelessROM is to provide quality development for android devices, phones and tablets alike.
NamelessROM developers are available nearly 24/7 and respond to bug reports and feature requests almost instantly.
This availability will allow you, the end-user, to have direct input into exactly what features and functions are included on the firmware that YOU run.

NamelessROM maintains features and functions of several well-known open-source, AOSP-based ROMs, as well as many features of our own.
Visit our website for more detailed information.

ROM Features:
CyanogenMod base
DarkUI Toggle
Non-Intrusive Call UI
LockScreen Notifications
Theme Manager
Lockring Battery level
Contextual Notification Headers
Custom Clear All Recents button location
Bar Memory Indicator in Recents
Custom Battery icons
Statusbar Customizations
Custom QuickToggles
koush's Superuser
optimized kernels
Lockscreen See-Through
Lockscreen Blur
Charging Sounds (sounds when plugged/unplugged)
Custom LED Settings
Keyboard Cursor Control (with volume keys)
Volume Button Music Track Skip
Volume Button Wake
DeviceControl <- DeviceSettings app created from the ground-up
Much more that I can't remember off the top of my head

Everything Working Perfectly, Tested on Nokia XL And Nokia X
Known Issues & Problems:
- No fmradio.
- For Nokia XL: Download Here
For Nokia X: Download Here + Patch
Installation Instructions:
1- You need to already have custom recovery (Tested with my TWRP 3.0.0 recovery).
2-Backup your whole ROM (if you want).
3- For Nokia XL:
Do Wipe then Flash the ROM.
For Nokia X:
Do Wipe then Flash the ROM and X Patch.
- No need to flash GApps because its already preloaded in the ROM.
After Installing The ROM:
1- Open Settings - Sim Cards - Configure Sim Cards then Active your sims.
2- Open Settings - Storage - Press Menu and choose USB connection then check MTP.
3-Open Settings - About Phone - Press 8 times on build number - go back and open Device Control - CPU Settings - change Governor to on demand - Change Minimum to 245 - Check Set on boot.
4- For using only 3G mode: Open the" dialer ", dial * # * # 4636 # * # * then change it.
5- Before starting video recording, change the quality to 480p.
6- To Enable Navigation Bar: Open Settings - Navigation Bar - choose enable navbar.

Lenovo A706 ROM
- Camera Fix from @weritos cm11
Device Vendor Files

Thanks to:
ALLAH the Almighty
Nameless ROM Team
CyanogenMod Team
@Anonim47 For Lenovo ROM
@Ahmed Hady for Vendor files and Helping me
@weritos For Nokia XL Cm11 And Camera Fix
@wielski For Nokia X Camera Fix
And me for Porting the ROM

روم جديد لنوكيا اكس واكس ال - بورت Nameless ROM 4.4.4

روم Nameless هو روم كيت كات خفيف به العديد من المميزات الجميلة (ذكرتها بالأعلى)
يتميز بسرعته الكبيرة - الروم يعمل على اكس واكس ال بدون أي مشاكل.

تحميل روم Nameless ROM 4.4.4 لنوكيا اكس واكس ال

لتحميل الروم لنوكيا اكس ال Download Here
لتحميل الروم لنوكيا اكس حمل روم اكس ال وهذا الباتش  Download Here


  1. اي العزير تقدر اتعالج خطاء اشتعال الجهاز تلقائيا طبعا هذا يحدث عند تركيب اي روم مود4.4.4 ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ جربت 3 رومات والخطاء نفسو؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

    1. للأسف حتى الآن لا أعرف لها حل - ولكن سأحاول

    2. انتضر منكم الحل يا اخي العزير شكرا لكم جميعا

    3. انتضر منكم الحل يا اخي العزير شكرا لكم جميعا

    4. انتضر منكم الحل يا اخي العزير شكرا لكم جميعا

    5. للأسف لم نتوصل لسبب المشكلة بعد

  2. What u all did is an excellent job. The stock ROM for nokia xl was bad. But it was smooth n fast as it had a 730mb ram. With this 600mb ram things are nit going well. Phone gets heated up very quickly. And discharges very quickly when on WiFi or sim network. I want you ppl yo fix d ram issueand make this Nameless rom the best. I tried to increase myram by following few tutorials on YouTube but it says all my data would be wiped off. Soi quit that. I want you great devs to fix thisas I'm not even able to play asphalt 8. It used to run well in stock rom. Tq in advance

    1. I'll try, but to be clear i don't know why ram is 630 only.

  3. اخي العزيز توجد مشكله في استخدام البيانات من الشريحه

  4. ممكن روم مارشملو لنوكيا xl

  5. اخي العزيز اريد حل مشكلة اعادة تشغيل الهاتف من تلقاء نفسه

  6. لا يمكنني تحميل الانستغرام على الجهاز


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